The Norwich Road Runners is an inclusive club of more than 300 senior members and 60 junior runners. As a large club, we have established a rigorous set of club governance documents, policies and procedures that ensure the safe and fair organisation of the club. We strive to deliver the very best for our members - and as such we expect our members to familiarise themselves with our policies and procedures, and abide by them at all times.
Club Constitution and Officer Roles
The Norwich Road Runners' Constitution details the aims, objectives and operational structure of the club. The constitution was last revised in May 2023
Norwich Road Runners Constitution [PDF, 361kb]
The club also has defined 'officer roles', which are carried out by elected members of the club:
Norwich Road Runners' Officer Roles [PDF, 323kb
Code of Conduct
The Norwich Road Runners committee have agreed upon a code of conduct for the club. Members are expected to abide by this code of conduct at all times,. Members need to agree to the code of conduct when joining the club or renewing their membership. Any member found in breach of the code of conduct may have disciplinary action taken against them (see below).
Norwich Road Runners Code of Conduct [PDF, 135kb]
Grievance and Disciplinary
The Norwich Road Runners committee have agreed upon a grievance and disciplinary policy should a complaint be lodged by any member.
Norwich Road Runners Grievance and Disciplinary Policy [PDF, 129kb]
The club takes its commitment to member's welfare seriously. As an affiliated club with English Athletics we strive to follow and implement their policies, procedures and best practice.
Norwich Road Runners Health and Safety Policy
This is supplemented by our Code of Conduct and Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures Safeguarding and Child Welfare Policy
To report or discuss any welfare and safeguarding issues please email using the link below
London Marathon Ballot Draw
As a England Athletics affiliated club, the Norwich Road Runners receives a number of entries into the London Marathon. The amount of spaces varies each year depending on the membership of the club and the rules covering that year's race.
As an inclusive club, the committee have agreed and implemented a set of criteria and rules to ensure that every member has an equal chance of securing a place through our ballot Please familiarise yourself with these rules, as they will be used in conducting the draw, and addressing any complaints or challenges to the draw.
Please note that when running at club events in the dark evenings the club requires you to wear reflective vests etc. It is also recommended you wear them anyway!
When running alone it is recommended you carry ICE information.
To help medical authorities in the unlikely event of an accident carry details of any important medical information
These hazards are not necessarily on our routes but are common in Norwich. This is visible in daylight but at night? Also if there is a bunch of runners ahead of you!
These can be tucked away and not very visible
Advertising sign in the middle of the pavement!
Here the sign has been removed and the base left out over night!
These barriers can be either side of a footpath. Usually visible but if you move to avoid people concealing it it could be serious!
Ray Lindsey, Mark Futter and Stephen Sadd were running together in 1982 under the banner of Fitt Signs.They were joined by Stephen Dixon in mid 1982 and definitely by the Fakenham 10 mile race on 11 July 1982.
For a brief period they ran under the banner of Midnight Runners and the results from the second Norfolk marathon in September 1983 show that the Midnight Runners came 4th Non-affiliated team( S.Dixon 3:27:04,M. Futter 3:27:06, R.Lindsay 3:31:56 S.Sadd 4:01:58 )
At the same time as this, but independently, Michael Betts had started running and,as he lived in the same road as Richard Sales ( Thurling Plain) they started running together. They too ran the 2nd Norfolk Marathon( R. Sales 3:02:42, M Betts 3:08:58) and it was here that they met the others for the first time. It was also here that Mick Betts met up again with Ivan Loades ( I.Loades 3:12:33) who he had known in his childhood.
The six of us ( Mick Betts, Stephen Dixon, Mike Futter,Ray Lindsey, Ivan Loades and Richard Sales) met more regularly. Later, in order to attract more members and keep our best runners, we made a group decision to change the name from Midnight Runners to Norwich road Runners.
The club therefore has six founding members Mick Betts, Stephen Dixon, Mike Futter,Ray Lindsay, Ivan Loades and Richard Sales. This took place in late 1983 to early 1984 with the first printed record is of the 2nd Ipswich Marathon on the 9th September 1984 although it is possible we ran under the club name earlier in 1984.
The club was growing and so we started running from The Crome Recreation Centre on Crome Road (now demolished) and later in 1985 the club became affiliated, with Mick Betts becoming the first club secretary.
The rest ,as they say, is history
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